
Mingei gallery is dedicated to the ancient and contemporary decorative arts of Japan. It has been located in the heart of the Saint-Germain-des-Prés neighborhood in Paris for fifteen years and is run by Philippe Boudin and his daughter Zoé Niang.

The gallery is well-known for its thematic exhibitions, individual artist shows and artist monographs. It has been an ambassador for the Japanese bamboo basketry used for ikebana floral arrangements in tea ceremonies, and Mingei gallery is the most important European gallery that actively promotes this art.

Japanese wickerwork objects are the fruits of a long tradition of bamboo weaving. They have risen to the status of highly acclaimed artworks, and have been seen at major institutions, most notably the Musée du Quai Branly - Jacques Chirac, in an exhibition titled “Fendre l’Air, Art of Bamboo in Japan” (November 27th 2018 through April 7th 2019) which Mingei gallery actively participated in producing.

Mingei gallery held its first MINGEI BAMBOO PRIZE competition. Eleven works have been selected and exhibited at the Musée national des arts asiatiques - Guimet from October 21st 2020 through May 2021. The National Museum of Asian Arts - Guimet and the Mingei gallery awarded the artist Tanabe Chikuunsai IV.

The major international collections put their faith in Mingei gallery, and its activities involve a great deal of collaborative work and partnerships with European museums that include curatorial services, loans, and the promotion of our clients’ collections.


Tuesday - Saturday

11 am - 7 pm

Closed Sunday & Monday

Galerie Mingei
5, rue Visconti 75006 Paris
+ 33 (0)6 09 76 60 68
+ 33 (0)1 56 81 61 51

Mention Légale
ETHNIC-ARTS sarl au capital de 7 635 EUR
13 place du Commerce 75015 Paris
SIRET 442 600 003 00028 – TVA FR 01442 600 00