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  • Material

    Hanging scroll, ink on paper, silk mounting

  • Size

    115 (h) x 43,5 cm [197 (h) x 59,5 cm]

  • Period

    Meiji (1868-1912)

  • Published
    "Supranatural" by Galerie Mingei, 2018

  • Exhibited

    Musée du Quai Branly - Jacques Chirac in “Enfers et Fantômes d’Asie” (April 10th - July 15th 2018)


A yūrei (ghost) in a field where a skull is lying. The “goggle eyes”, wrinkled face, emaciated body and long dishevelled hair all contribute to giving hera terrifying appearance.
Yet the skull looks comical, as if it is smiling. This contrast is intriguing and is the highlight
of this painting.

Artist unknown
Indecipherable seal

